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logo • color palette • UI/UX • business cards 
• website • app • typography

GOBI is a fictional company created as a project for my branding focused portfolio. The focus of this project was to create a branding system that could be applied various mediums both print and digital. I set out to capture the element of a taxi service that adds an asset of familiarity to the brand. 


From a list of topics, develop a visual identity for a company. Focus on creating deliverables including a digital application. They must be an extension of the identity and show an understanding of applying an identity.


I thought of creating a hip and friendly design that appeals to city-goers and residents. I chose colors that contrasted well and could be seen visually in motion, like
a taxi. The identity could be easily applied as an emblem across deliverables


Michael Chen Selected Works 2018 - 2022

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